Call for Topics and Presenters Interest Groups: IMYM 2021

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Last Updated on 2 years by IMYM Tech Lead

Call for Topics and Presenters
Interest Groups 

IMYM 2021

The IMYM Program Working Group is seeking proposals for Friends to present interest groups at the virtual yearly meeting via Zoom June 16 – 20, 2021. Interest groups will be held Wednesday 6/16, Thursday 6/17 and Friday 6/18 for 60 or 90 minutes each. IMYM participants cannot sign up in advance but will choose interest groups live in the online format. Preparatory materials will be made available on the IMYM website. 

The year’s Friend in Residence, José Woss, brings a range of potential areas of inquiry for our consideration.  He has an intimate perspective on racial justice as a Black Latino Quaker of Dominican heritage. His professional work at FCNL on criminal justice and election integrity informs his Spiritual journey and how he lives as a Quaker in the world.  

While interest groups are not limited to designated topics, José’s participation invites reflection on expanding and deepening our faith and practice in these times.   Other potential topics are areas of concern and interest to Quakers in today’s world. Some ideas include:  

  • Elections ● Racial Equity ● Indigenous Peoples Concerns How COVID-19 can Bring Change
  • Poetry Middle East Peace Sanctuary Migration and Immigration Nonviolent Action
  • Restorative Justice Participatory Crafts Experiment with Light Dance and Movement Nuclear Weapons Policy Friends Addressing Climate Change Quaker Thought


If you have an idea for something you would like to offer as an interest group, participatory activity, or short video to share for discussion, contact Deneen Crandell (Colorado Springs) with a copy to DeAnne Butterfield (Boulder) to express your interest. Please include a title and description of your proposal, information about the amount of time (60 to 90 minutes) and format you propose, names and affiliations of presenters, and any information on technology needs Also please tell us if you want materials available through the bookstore. There are a limited number of time slots available. We will accommodate as many proposals as we can but may not be able to accept all submissions.  Interest group proposals may be submitted until April 30, 2021.