Last Updated on 2 years by IMYM Tech Lead
Responding to the current situation of too few volunteers with strength and light to accommodate the operating structure established in the past, IMYM will engage in a year-long discernment within Intermountain Yearly Meeting about its purpose, priorities, and future operations. At its meeting April 7, 2023, the IMYM Representatives Committee established a Way Forward Working Group to organize and facilitate this work.
Representatives Committee Charge to Way Forward Working Group:
Under the care of the Representatives Committee, guide IMYM as it seeks unity about its purpose, vision, structure and operations. Identify why we exist, who and what we want to be in five years, broad strategies to get there, and 2024-25 priorities. Building on a Listening Session at the 2023 gathering, Fall Queries, and conversations with IMYM Committees, Meetings and Worship Groups, bring a plan to Representatives Committee in April 2024 for consideration and approval by IMYM business meeting. This plan will be implemented beginning at rise of the 2024 gathering, recognizing that some activities of IMYM may need to be laid down and new activities may emerge.
Initial Members of the Way Forward Working Group:
Charlene Weir (Salt Lake), Jamie Newton (Gila), Jerry Peterson (Mountain View), John Huyler (Boulder), Sara Keeney (Albuquerque), and Marcia Elliott (Tempe). Others may be added by the Working Group to increase diversity.
The Clerk Support group will offer advice and support as needed.
IMYM Vision
The Representatives Committee developed a preliminary purpose and vision statement as a starting point for Way Forward work:
Way Forward at 2023 Gathering
The Program Working Group will offer queries at a hybrid Listening Circle at the 2023 annual gathering on Thursday morning, June 22, 2023 for IMYM Friends to weigh in on and listen to other’s desired purpose and vision for Intermountain Yearly Meeting into the future. There will be a portion of the Meeting for business Saturday, June 24 to agree on goals and next steps for the Way Forward process and limited IMYM operations during the planning year until June 2024.