Last Updated on 2 years by IMYM Tech Lead
Greetings, Friends, and welcome back!
For answers to questions on virtual tools for our gathering, start by clicking here. If you need more help with Zoom, email our Help Desk or phone (970) 290-7800.
Today’s Schedule (all times MDT)
All Day | Hangout Lobby Meeting ID: 950 9895 5604 Passcode: 777196 |
8:00–9:00 AM | Early Morning Worship Meeting ID: 930 5370 3941 Passcode: 033425 |
9:00–10:00 AM | Worship Sharing Meeting ID: 948 0357 7758 Passcode: 205516 |
10:00-10:30 AM | Zoom Help Desk Meeting ID: 978 6772 5529 Passcode: 997868 |
10:30–12:00 AM | Meet author J. Brent Bill discussing his new book: Hope and Witness in Dangerous Times Meeting ID: 953 3052 2905 Passcode: 602805 |
1:00–2:45 PM | Meeting for Business Meeting ID: 920 3485 9885 Passcode: 259689 Documents in Advance from |
3:00–4:30 PM | Building Anti-Racism Resilience Meeting ID: 910 4802 0816 Passcode: 206081 |
4:30–5:30 PM | Friends of Bill Meeting ID: 977 6065 0477 Passcode: 498493 |
5:00–6:00 PM |
Walk in the Light Meeting ID: 936 2622 6424 Passcode: 540510 |
7:00–8:30 PM |
Creativity Night Meeting ID: 994 2260 7881 Passcode: 526300 |
Click here for the full schedule and interest group descriptions.
Click here to submit an item for the Daily Bulletin.
Click here for business meeting Documents in Advance.
Seasoned Business Items
Friends planning on attending IMYM 2021 are asked to take the time to review the Seasoned Business Items. These are items for the first business session (Saturday at 1:00 pm MDT) that the clerks expect could be approved or recorded without discussion. Any Friend may request that the clerk remove any item from the Seasoned Business Items list to be put onto the regular agenda; this can be done via email to the clerks with the subject “Seasoned Business Items” We’ll see all y’all online!
Proposed Minute of Support for AFSC Palestinian Children’s Campaign
Participants in the AFSC-led interest group on the Israeli detention of Palestinian children have forwarded a proposed Minute of Support, which will come before the yearly meeting on 6/20/2021. Read the full text of the proposed Minute here.
Update from Mountain Friends Camp
Good news, we have confirmed an experienced Registered Nurse to join us for the full season! This also means an additional staff expense, and is well worth it for our community health. Now that we’re fully staffed, the greatest need is financial support. Many thanks to IMYM and all who have given this year, and if you haven’t yet, thank you for considering a donation! Visit us on the web to donate, and see our report for a wishlist of in-kind donations.
Land Acknowledgment Interest Group Resources
A number of Friends asked our panel to share our Land Acknowledgements:
Fort Collins Friends Meeting acknowledges, with respect, that the land we are on today is the traditional ancestral homelands of the Arapaho, Cheyenne and Ute Nations and peoples. This was also a site of trade, gathering, and healing for numerous other Native tribes. We recognize the Indigenous peoples as original stewards of this land and all the relatives within it. As these words of acknowledgement are heard, the ties Nations have to their traditional homelands are renewed and reaffirmed. We recognize that the founding of the Fort Collins community, including the land our Meeting House is built upon, came at a dire cost to Native Nations and peoples including the cost of many lives, loss of ancestral homes, and separation from traditional sources of spiritual and physical nourishment and strength.
Boulder Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends acknowledges that we live and worship on land where Indigenous Peoples have lived for more than 13,000 years. Chief Nawath (Left Hand) and his band of Arapaho were living in the Boulder Valley under the terms of the 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie when gold was discovered in 1858. The Arapaho were forced out of the area, contrary to the terms of the treaty, and a fort was built to protect the booming towns of Boulder and Valmont. In 1864, volunteer militiamen mustered at Boulder’s Fort Chambers and joined U.S. Colonel John Chivington’s forces in carrying out the Sand Creek Massacre. More than 200 Arapaho and Cheyenne people, including Chief Nawath, were killed. “We lament this history of land theft, betrayal, murder, and displacement, knowing that we have become its beneficiaries. We acknowledge Indigenous Peoples’ enduring love for this land and the valuable contributions they make to our community today. We seek ways to build relationships with them now based on truth, respect, justice, and our shared humanity.” Link for more resources:
Juneteenth Holiday
As we celebrate our virtual gathering, we acknowledge that Juneteenth is a holiday celebrated by many in our country. On Wednesday, June 16, Congress voted to approve a new federal holiday and President Biden signed it into law on 6/17. Two links for Friends edification:
From the Associated Press From PBS
FGC Seeks a Communications Manager
The Communications Manager works closely with the General Secretary and other FGC Staff to support ongoing communications work. Read the job description and apply by July 9, 2021 if interested. Relocation is not required!
Clerks’ Welcome to IMYM 2021 (read on 6/16)
Bienvenidos, amigos – Welcome, Friends
Back in the day, in “normal times”, we would now call the roll of monthly meetings and honor our visitors. We would ask who has travelled the farthest… Unfortunately, this is one of those things that just didn’t translate well to a virtual reality. [Read the full script here.]
Today’s “Walk in the Light” Theme: “I greet everyone with peace.”
I am not in control.
I am not in a hurry
I walk in faith and hope.
I greet everyone with peace.
I bring home only what God gives me.
Peace. What could be more Quakerly? “Peace be with you!” says Jesus to his disciples, “My peace I give you.” We have to have peace to offer peace to those along the way.
This I have seen. On a rural road in northern New Mexico, a woman stops her car to take a photo of thirty pilgrims trudging along the gravel roadside towards her. As they approach, she seems apologetic, as if she’s intruded on something secret and private, but the pilgrims are clearly joyful to see her and quickly gather to offer a blessing. They sing and pray to and for her. And this woman who a moment ago was a tourist out on a drive, breaks down in tears of joy.
People are not used to blessings. Why would you allow strangers to bless you? But when a ragtag band of bedraggled pilgrims ask, people most often find themselves saying, “yes.”
We talk about “speaking truth to power,” but we forget we have immense power in our peaceful presence. It’s a power people need and want. But they cannot imagine it is something that anyone could have or give. Can we use this time at IMYM to replenish our peace? To have way more than enough should we happen to meet a stranger along our way?
On today’s walk, look for ways, perhaps in the walking itself, perhaps in singing, perhaps in other forms of active contemplation, to invite peace, to be peace, to have such a surplus of peace that it will spill into our sessions together and onto everyone you meet.
“Peace be with you!”
a poem inspired by the ‘Walk in the Light’ Interest Group:
I Am Not in Control
First lesson, India, 1957.
The train will come when the train comes.
And when it does, thundering and steaming,
these sari-shrouded sleepers will rise, grab
bag and baggage, rush to the doors of the train,
shouting a babble of languages. Whole families
struggle for room on crowded wooden benches.
The train will come when the train comes.
There is no point in wondering or worrying.
Time flows by in the heat of an Indian summer
rich with color and fragrance.
You can ask, “Where is the train?”
The answer, “It is not here”.
Eleanor Dart