Colorado Regional 2022 Spring Gathering – April 24, 2022 via Zoom

Last Updated on 2 years by IMYM Tech Lead

Colorado Regional 2022 Spring Gathering

Centering Down:  Creating an Environment for Being in the Presence of the Divine

Keynote Speaker:  Molly Wingate
April 24, 2022 via Zoom.

Schedule Overview

Sunday, April 24

10:00 – 11:00 AM  Meeting for Worship.

11:00 AM — 1:00 PM  Zoom space to remain open for conversation and visiting

1:00 PM   Keynote: Molly Wingate “Centering Down: Creating an Environment for Being in the Presence of the Divine”, followed by Questions and Discussion.

Immediately following the closing period of Silent Worship ending our program we will hold a BRIEF Colorado Regional Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business. (Approval of Budget)

After the presentation and discuss we are holding a Called Meeting for Business at the close of our Spring Gathering in order to approve a budget for the current year (not done at the Fall Gathering held on Zoom last November).  A copy of the budget is available HERE.

We also received a proposed minute sent from Boulder Meeting asking support for the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition.  The Planning Committee thinks this needs seasoning before Colorado Regional takes action, but we are making the proposal available HERE so that individual Meetings can consider it in preparation for Intermountain Yearly Meeting Business sessions in June.

We are pleased to offer this online Zoom gathering freely to all on a “pay as led” basis to all who are interested.   We estimate that an average contribution of $12 to $20 per person will cover the costs of an honorarium for our keynote speaker and other costs, and we want all to feel welcome regardless of ability to pay. If some are led to pay a little more it will balance out those paying less.

Donate as led online by credit card HERE: 

Donations by check made out to “Colorado Regional Meeting” should be mailed to Eric Wright, 2455 N Race Street, Denver, CO 80205.  Credit card payments can be submitted on the registration form.

Business Meeting Documents will be available online HERE [coming soon]