Peace & Social Concerns Committee

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Last Updated on 2 years by IMYM Tech Lead

Current Seasoning by IMYM MMs (and P&SC Committee)

Groups, News & Reports (2018-2019)

  • Google groups on specific areas of concern – Coordinators/Clerks are sought for each area of concern – e.g. – Right Relationships, Border Concerns, Climate Concerns. Please contact the IMYM P&SC Committee for questions or for hosting of additional area(s) of concern.
  • Affiliation with QEW (Quaker Earthcare Witness) 3-Year exploration
  • OCT 2-3rd Opportunity to Support Quaker “Truth, Reconciliation, and Healing”  – Paula Palmer is honored to be invited to speak about her research on the Quaker Indian Boarding Schools at the Oct 2-3 conference of the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition.  Can you help cover her direct expenses ($1,200) so that she can address the conference as a Quaker?  Tax-deductible donations can be made online (scroll to the bottom of the page for instructions).  If you would like more information, this very moving article from YES! Magazine documents the connection between the Indian boarding schools and the experience of historical and multigenerational trauma in Native communities today.

Action Minutes that have been approved by IMYM

Past Reports – Archive