Friends General Conference Delegates

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Last Updated on 2 years by IMYM Tech Lead

Revised (03/30/18)


FGC Delegates are appointed to serve on the FGC Central Committee, the governing board which meets annually.  FGC, with divine guidance, nurtures the spiritual vitality of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) by providing programs and services for Friends, meetings, and seekers. FGC strives to be collaborative, grow the Religious Society of Friends, and foster an inclusive community.  FGC delegates bring current and emerging issues and concerns from IMYM to Central Committee. FGC Central Committee then provides an opportunity to address these concerns through programs and other resources.


Three delegates will be appointed by the IMYM nominating committee.


Terms are for 3 years with opportunity for re-appointment to one more 3-year term. All terms are to be staggered. Terms begin with the first Central Committee meeting after the appointment is approved by IMYM and are completed at the rise of the fourth Central Committee session. This is to provide overlap of appointments.  This is done at the request of FGC.

Delegates Committee 

The FGC delegates are members of the IMYM Delegates Committee and should work with its Clerk and other members of the Committee to best convey information from their organization to local and regional meetings.

Responsibilities of the FGC Delegates include:

  • Delegates shall attend each FGC Central Committee meeting, usually in October, during their terms. All Central Committee members are expected to help govern FGC and assume responsibility for its policies, programs, financial health, and financial support.
  • Delegates discern with the FGC Nominating Committee, prior to or at Central Committee, which FGC committee offers opportunity for exercise of their gifts, leadings and time. The number of times FGC committees meet varies greatly, but increasingly, in an effort to decrease our carbon footprint, efforts are made to meet remotely utilizing technology.
  • All Friends from yearly meeting and directly affiliated monthly meetings caucus at Central Committee to discern who will represent that body on FGC’s Executive Committee (meets 2-4 times a year). Each representative has an annual, renewable term.
  • Delegates are encouraged to attend the IMYM Annual Gathering and FGC’s annual Gathering of Friends.
  • Delegates interpret and share FGC’s purpose, programs and resources to IMYM, regional and monthly meetings.
  • Delegates are responsible for bringing the needs and concerns of IMYM, regional and monthly meetings to FGC so that resources and programs may be developed to meet those needs if appropriate.
  • Delegates should review this position description at the end of their terms and send any changes or additions that are needed to the Clerk of Procedures Committee.  If you find issues before that, send them earlier.

Financial Arrangements

The Yearly Meeting pays the travel expenses of the delegates to attend the FGC Central Committee meeting, which meets annually.  Incidental operating expenditures for clerical supplies, communications, etc., may be submitted to the Treasurer for reimbursement.  The Treasurer should be consulted before incurring unusual expenses.