Host for the Heberto Sein Memorial Visitor

Last Updated on 3 years by IMYM Tech Lead

Revised (03/04/19)

In memory of Heberto Sein, Intermountain Yearly Meeting established a fund, from which money is given each year to the Mexico City Monthly Meeting for sending someone to the annual gathering.  A number of Intermountain Friends knew Heberto well, especially through his activities with FWCC.   With his wife Suzanne he attended several annual sessions of the Yearly Meeting at Ghost Ranch and served as the Resource Speaker the year before he died, endearing himself to attenders of the annual gathering and leading the Yearly Meeting to continue a relationship with the Mexico City Monthly Meeting through this memorial. (See historical note below.)

Travel, registration, room and board are covered by a line in the Yearly Meeting budget.  The Yearly Meeting places no particular expectations upon the Heberto Sein Memorial Visitor other than participation in the annual gathering.

The Clerk of the Yearly Meeting may act as Host or appoint a designee Host with fluency in Spanish and interest in Mexico City Friends to assist with arranging the visitation, the associated travel, and participation in the annual session.  The Host should have the capacity to either assist with travel as needed or arrange for that assistance. 


  1. In October the Host communicates with the Clerk of the Mexico City Monthly Meeting to ascertain who would be the proper contact regarding this program and the process for fulfilling the visitation for the coming annual session.  It should be made clear that the cost is borne by IMYM.
  2. The Mexico City Monthly Meeting names the visitor and works with the Host in the making of travel arrangements.  This should include the arranging (with the involvement of the IMYM Treasurer) of a mechanism for cash travel advance through the Monthly Meeting if needed.
  3. Before the beginning of March, the Host informs the Registrar of the name and address of the visitor. 4.  The Registrar sends an annual gathering program and registration packet to either the Mexico City Monthly Meeting or directly to the visitor. The packet should be sent in a timely fashion.
  4. 6.  The Treasurer reimburses the visitor and Host for any outstanding travel expenses.  There are no billable costs associated with registration, housing and meals.
  5. The Host should assist the visitor with travel from Mexico City to the annual session as needed, including the US portion. 

Notes and Concerns

  1. The Clerk of Mexico City Monthly Meeting can be contacted by email through the website
  2. It is not always possible for a visitor from Mexico City Monthly Meeting to come to IMYM; however, Mexico City Monthly Meeting remains interested in continuing the association.
  3. Mexico City Friends have experience in arranging travel to the US, in part because of the international travel associated with the Casa de Los Amigos.
  4. It would be advantageous for a Host to serve for several years.

Historical Note

The Heberto Sein Memorial Fund was initially established by Boulder Monthly Meeting which also took care of arrangements with Mexico City Monthly Meeting for the visitor.  After a few years, Boulder Monthly Meeting proposed that, since the project was of benefit to all those attending the annual gathering, the Yearly Meeting should assume the project. The Yearly Meeting agreed.  Since the Mexico City Monthly Meeting was an Associate Monthly Meeting of IMYM, it participated in the decision.