Clerk’s Advisory Committee

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Last Updated on 2 years by IMYM Tech Lead

Revised (01/19/17)


The Clerk’s Advisory Committee is to serve in an advisory and consultative capacity for the Presiding Clerk of the Yearly Meeting.  This committee would be advisory only and would not be charged with making interim decisions such as an executive committee might.  The committee will be active and will be called together at the Presiding Clerk’s discretion, meeting with the Clerk individually or as a group, generally by telephone or on line.


The Clerk’s Advisory Committee will be drawn from:

  • Representatives Committee Clerk
  • Arrangements Committee Clerk
  • Ministry and Counsel Clerk
  • The immediate past Clerk
  • Finance Committee Clerk
  • Two members of the Presiding Clerk’s choosing.

The Clerk’s Advisory Committee has responsibility:

  1. To advise the Presiding Clerk to the best of their ability.
  2. To meet together by phone, electronically, or face to face as requested by the Clerk.
  3. In a supportive way, to raise concerns with the Clerk should that be helpful.
  4. To assist the Clerk in reasonable ways as requested.
  5. To worship with the Clerk as needed at annual gathering.

Current practice

Each clerk can set up a system for the Clerk’s Advisory Committee that functions well, according to individual need.  It is difficult to have 6-7 people communicating regularly, but that is one possibility.  Recent clerks have held a weekly phone call with the Arrangements and Representative Committee clerks for mutual planning and support.  Others with responsibilities (such as Finance, Program Working Group, Youth Working Group, Volunteers) have joined the call as needed–by invitation from the clerk or at their own request.  This system has provided a great deal of communication, problem solving and planning, including determining where decisions should be made.

Financial Arrangements

The Yearly Meeting may pay, upon request, expenses related to communication with the Presiding Clerk.  The treasurer may issue reimbursement for incidental or unusual operating expenditures, if requested and approved prior to the expense. Expenses would come out of the administration budget lines.