Representatives Committee

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Last Updated on 2 years by IMYM Tech Lead

IMYM has entrusted its standing Representatives Committee with the general care of the business of the yearly meeting between the annual sessions. While it is preferable for decisions to wait until the Meetings for Business of the Annual Gathering when possible, Representatives Committee has the authority to make decisions (including approving minutes and making financial decisions) between annual gatherings. If Friends need the Representatives Committee to make a decision between IMYM sessions, the decision on that issue must align with established Yearly Meeting policies as expressed in IMYM minutes, procedures described in the position descriptions in Guide to Procedures, and the IMYM Faith and Practice.   Representatives Committee has both deliberative and executive functions when it meets, serving as the primary body to:

  • Discern and season issues to send to the yearly meeting business sessions,
  • Propose the IMYM budget that is prepared by the Finance Committee and Treasurer,
  • Communicate IMYM business with local Meetings.  
  • Solicit and receive input from the constituent Meetings on IMYM issues. Representatives Committee has the primary responsibility to improve communication between Yearly Meeting and local Meetings, with emphasis on how IMYM can better serve the local meetings
  •  Make interim financial decisions when necessary, in consultation with the Treasurer, IMYM Clerk(s), and Finance Committee, as referenced in the description of the Treasurer’s position:

                  “The Treasurer is inherently authorized to make expenditures up to the budgeted                                                amounts for each line item or account. Upon joint approval by the Treasurer, Finance                               Committee Clerk, and Clerk of the Yearly Meeting, up to $7,500 beyond the budget can                              be spent. Expenditures beyond $7,500 above the budget will require approval by                                        Representatives Committee.”

Representatives Committee Minute #4-20180203.

Membership: The Committee will contain a Clerk, a Recording Clerk, one Representative from each local Meeting (Monthly Meeting, Preparative Meeting, or Worship Group), and specified clerks of IMYM committees and others, including but not limited to:

  • Representatives Committee Clerk
  • Representatives Committee Recording Clerk
  • Yearly Meeting Presiding Clerk
  • Arrangements Committee Clerk
  • Nominating Committee Clerk
  • Ministry and Counsel Committee Clerk
  • Procedures Committee Clerk
  • Finance Committee Clerk
  • Treasurer
  • Web Clerk
  • Delegates Committee Clerk
  • Peace and Service Committee Clerk
  • A Friendly Adult Presence from Senior Young Friends
  • A representative from each Regional Meeting, at their discretion
  • A representative from Senior Young Friends, at their discretion

All of these clerks are appointed by Nominating Committee according to the usual procedures of IMYM, and approved by the yearly meeting, except for the Web Clerk (who is appointed and overseen by Representatives Committee), the representatives appointed by Regional Meetings, and SYF’s representative and FAPs who are appointed by Senior Young Friends.

Representatives will follow Friends customary practice of group discernment. They should not serve as instructed delegates but should bring local concerns forward. To help insure a full and fair voicing of the variety of viewpoints within IMYM, we strongly recommend that those listed above not also serve as local Meeting representatives.

The Representatives Committee will:

  1. Hold two face-to-face meetings, once in late winter or spring, at a place determined by its clerk, and again immediately preceding the yearly meeting sessions at the annual gathering site. Representatives Committee may also meet by e-mail, phone, video conference, or face to face (if needed), to make interim decisions.
  2. Consider what concerns coming from Regional Meetings, Monthly Meetings and Worship Groups, from committees, or from individuals should go to Yearly Meeting business sessions. Representatives also discern and season selected concerns and clarify proposed actions prior to making their recommendations to the floor of the Yearly Meeting business sessions.
  3. Receive and review financial reports from the Finance Committee and to recommend a budget to the annual meeting for business.
  4. Consider problems brought to Representatives Committee, and to resolve the problems, refer them for further seasoning (by appropriate clerks, committees or working groups), approve minutes, or make recommendations to the annual yearly meeting sessions.
  5. Receive and act on reports from any appointed task groups and the following committees: Finance Committee, Arrangements Committee, Peace and Service Committee, Delegates Committee, Procedures Committee, the Historian/Archivist, and such other committees and task groups as the Representatives Committee may establish.
  6. Appoint and oversee the work of the Web Clerk and the Communications Assistant.
  7. Receive reports from the clerks of the Arrangements Committee and its various Working Groups, on plans for the forthcoming Annual Gathering. The report to the mid-year Representatives Committee meeting should broadly describe the program and activities for the Annual Gathering as planned at the winter Arrangements Committee meeting.
  8. Resolve any issues or concerns that the Arrangements Committee needs assistance with. Representatives Committee approves the overall plans for the Annual Gathering, but the responsibility for detailed planning falls to the Arrangements Committee.
  9. Call special Yearly Meeting sessions, if needed.
  10. Plan for the long-range needs and welfare of the yearly meeting.

Nominating Committee, Ministry and Counsel, the Committee for Sufferings, the Faith and Practice Committee, and the Watching Committee continue to report directly to yearly meeting business sessions but are encouraged to bring concerns to Representatives Committee as needed.

The Arrangements Committee Clerk will send general information to the Representatives Committee Clerk as plans develop for the annual gathering but will send specific information to the Registrar (for use in the registration packet).

Representative Committee Members will:

  1. Attend both face-to-face Representatives Committee meetings (winter/spring and preceding the annual sessions) in order to help in the Committee’s work of searching, seasoning, and discerning the sense of the Meeting.
  2. Represent the opinions and concerns of the people in their local Meetings to the full Representatives Committee.
  3. Report their Meeting’s responses to the Fall Queries to the IMYM Presiding Clerk and to the Representatives Committee Clerk.
  4. As their terms end, report the contact information for their local Meeting’s next Representatives to the IMYM Presiding Clerk and to the Representatives Committee Clerk.
  5. Report accurate contact information to the Communications Assistant as changes occur.
  6. Convey communication from the Yearly Meeting and from Representatives Committee to the local Meetings they represent.
  7. Maintain their local Meeting’s file of Representatives Committee and IMYM minutes, the IMYM Guide to Procedures, and other records relevant to service as a Representative.
  8. Encourage local Friends to attend the annual gathering and prepare them for participation in the IMYM sessions and program by explaining the registration process, the host facility accommodations, opportunities, rules, and limitations, and the expected business agenda.

Task Groups: Representatives Committee should appoint task groups as need arises, charging them to deal with key issues and significant items of concern to Intermountain Yearly Meeting, and to report back to the Committee. Task groups may include members of Representatives Committee and other Friends from Intermountain Yearly Meeting. E-mail and conference/video call Task Group meetings are encouraged.

Financial Arrangements: Travel expenses of representative members to the winter/spring meeting are the responsibility of the appointing Regional or local Meeting. Upon request, the Yearly Meeting Treasurer will reimburse the approved expense of travel to the winter Representatives Committee meeting for any Friends appointed to Representatives Committee.

Incidental operating expenditures for clerical supplies, communications, etc., may be submitted to the Treasurer for reimbursement. The Treasurer should be consulted before incurring unusual expenses.