Who Makes Appointments for Yearly Meeting Service?

Last Updated on 3 years by IMYM Tech Lead

Visit the Appointments page to see who currently fills each role.

Visit the Current Appointments page to see who currently fills each role.

All terms are renewable unless otherwise noted.

Monthly Meetings

Monthly Meetings appoint the following:  (Worship Groups and Preparative Meetings, as they feel able, may make the same appointments as do Monthly Meetings.)  (See Note 1.)

  1. Member and alternate to Representatives Committee for two-year overlapping terms.
  2. Member to Nominating Committee for three-year term.
  3. Up to two members to the Committee on Faith and Practice for three-year term.
  4. Up to two liaisons to the American Friends Service Committee.

Regional Meetings

Regional Meetings appoint the following:

  1. Member to Finance Committee for three-year term.
  2. Two members to Committee on Ministry and Counsel for three-year terms.
  3. Member to the Watching Committee for one-year term.
  4. Member to Program Working Group for how long?.
  5. Member to the Committee on Procedures for three-year term.

Regional Meetings nominate the following for Yearly Meeting Appointment: 

AFSC, FCNL, and FWCC have allocated positions for representatives from the Yearly Meeting, which in turn has identified those positions as coming from the Regional Meetings. The Regional Meetings recommend these representatives to the Yearly Meeting for appointment by submitting nominations to the clerk of the Nominating Committee.

AFSC–AFSC Representative for three-year term which begins in October before the November meeting of the AFSC Corporation in Philadelphia and expires in October three years later. This person represents the Yearly Meeting as a member of the AFSC Corporation, which selects the AFSC Board.

FCNL–One or two FCNL Representatives.  (As determined by FCNL, CRM and NMRM have two representatives while AHYM and UFF each have one representative.)   The three-year term begins in November with attendance at the General Meeting of the Committee in Washington, DC, and ends in November three years later.  Members may serve on one or more FCNL committees at the national level.

FWCC–FWCC Representative for three-year term beginning in January and expiring after three years with attendance at the annual FWCC Section of the Americas meeting in March following the end of three years.  Members serve on one or more FWCC committees at the national level. 

Yearly Meeting

The Yearly Meeting appoints the following:  Except as noted, the Nominating Committee recommends the following appointments for approval by the Yearly Meeting at its annual session.  Terms begin with the rise of yearly meeting and include three annual sessions, except as noted.  Current practice for many positions is to appoint one person each year to a three-year pattern of shared or teamed service. 

Officers (See Note 2.)

  1. Clerk of the Yearly Meeting
  2. Recording Clerk of the Yearly Meeting
  3. Clerk of the Representatives Committee
  4. Registrar
  5. Treasurer (renewable once)
  6. Clerk of Finance Committee

Young Friends Programs (Current practice is terms for less than three years.)

  1. Adult Coordinator for Senior Young Friends Program (Friendly Adult Presence or FAP)
  2. Adult Coordinator for Junior Young Friends Program
  3. Coordinators of Children’s Yearly Meeting

Senior Young Friends

Nominations are submitted by Senior Young Friends to the clerk of the Nominating Committee for Yearly Meeting approval.  A person may hold more than one appointment.

  1. Senior Young Friends Clerk (term to coincide with FAPs)
  2. Regional Representatives to Representatives Committee, one from each region.
  3. One member each to Representatives, Finance, Watching Committees and Program Working Group for one-year terms.
  4. Two members to Committee on Ministry and Counsel for one-year terms.

Junior Young Friends

Nominations are submitted by Junior Young Friends to the clerk of the Nominating Committee for Yearly Meeting approval.  A person may hold more than one appointment.

  1. Junior Young Friends Clerk
  2. Regional Representatives to Arrangements Committee, one from each region.
  3. Two members to Committee on Ministry and Counsel for one-year terms.

Other Appointments

  1. Coordinator of Interest Groups and Seminars
  2. Coordinator of Worship Sharing Groups
  3. Coordinator of Operations
  4. Liaison for Facilities
  5. Bookstore Coordinator
  6. Historian-Archivist (six-year term)
  7. Advocate for Persons of Differing Abilities and Kitchen Liaison
  8. Host for Heberto Sein Memorial Visitor
  9. Three representatives to the Corporation Board for the Friends Bulletin.  (Term begins with the fall meeting of the Corporation Board.)
  10. Representative to Friends Peace Teams Board
  11. Volunteer Coordinator
  12. Web Clerk
  13. Communications Assistant
  14. Recording Clerk for Representatives Committee
  15. Two or three representatives to the Central Committee of FGC – (Three-year terms begin just before the fall CC meeting and end after the fourth meeting.)

Committee and Working Group Clerks

  1. Clerk of Arrangements Committee
  2. Clerk of Committee on Ministry and Counsel (Current practice is to nominate from among the members of the committee.)
  3. Clerk of Watching Committee
  4. Clerk of Nominating Committee
  5. Clerk of Committee on Procedures
  6. Clerk of Peace and Service Committee
  7. Clerk of Facilities Working Group
  8. Clerk of Youth Working Group
  9. Clerk of Program Working Group
  10. Clerk of Sufferings Committee
  11. Clerk of Delegates Committee

Other Committee Clerks and Convenors

  1. Clerk to Committee on Faith and Practice is nominated for Yearly Meeting approval by the Committee.
  2. Committee on FCNL appoints its own convenor.
  3. Committee on FWCC appoints its own convenor.
  4. Committee on AFSC appoints its own convenor.

Notes and Concerns:

  1. Do Worship Groups understand that they may make the same appointments as Monthly Meetings?  Is this understood by the Nominating Committee?
  2. The 1998 Guide lists positions 1-5 as officers.  Clerk of Finance Committee has frequently functioned as a financial officer.  Recording Clerks generally have an assisting role rather than responsibility for administrative decision-making and thus may not be considered an officer.  This may be a topic for consideration.  (This needs to be revised)