Clerks of Junior Young Friends

Last Updated on 3 years by IMYM Tech Lead

Revised (04/22/19)


The Clerks are nominated for a one-year term by Junior Young Friends and advanced by the Nominating Committee to the Yearly Meeting for approval.    Current practice is to appoint more than one person for teamed service.  The Junior Young Friends Clerks are members of the Youth Working Group which is part of the Arrangements Committee charged with planning and supervising the annual gathering.

NOTE: If your Working Group has no Clerk, then direct your reports and any questions or issues that arise directly to the Clerk of Arrangements Committee. We also encourage you to read the Guide description of your Working Group and reach out to other members of that Group for help.

Responsibilities of the Clerks of Junior Young Friends include

  1. Serving as clerk at business and other meetings of the Junior Young Friends.
  2. Working with the Coordinators for the Junior Young Friends Program and the Senior Young Friends leadership to plan activities for the annual gathering.
  3. Assisting in obtaining the various nominations required of Junior Young Friends.
  4. Developing a “Call to Yearly Meeting” addressed to the Junior Young Friends.  This statement will be included in the registration materials and should be provided to the Registrar by the end of February.   
  5. Coordinating the facility needs with the Junior Young Friends Coordinators and facilities staff.
  6. Assisting Junior Young Friends in preparing and presenting an epistle to the Yearly Meeting, in consultation with the Watching Committee and the Junior Young Friends Coordinators.

Junior Young Friends Nominations 

Nominations are submitted by Junior Young Friends to the Clerk of the Nominating Committee to be advanced to Yearly Meeting for approval.  A person may hold more than one appointment.

  1. Junior Young Friends Clerks.
  2. Regional Representatives to Arrangements Committee, one from each region for a one-year term with the responsibilities listed below:
    1. Being aware of the interests and abilities of the Young Friends in the Regional Meeting for use in planning the programs for the annual gathering and other Yearly Meeting activities.
    2. Encouraging young people in monthly meetings and worship groups to participate in the Young Friends programs.
    3. Assisting the Clerks and Coordinators of Junior Young Friends in planning the programs for the annual gathering.
    4. Encouraging Young Friends within their Regional Meeting to meet together at times other than the annual gathering.
    5. Encouraging young people interested in Quakerism to attend regional and monthly meetings, worship groups and other Quaker activities.
    6. Attending Arrangements Committee at the expense of their regional or monthly meetings, in order to assist with planning Young Friends’ activities for the annual gathering.

Arrangements Committee

In its January meeting, the Arrangements Committee completes the planning for the next annual gathering.  The Clerks of Junior Young Friends attend this meeting to make plans for the upcoming gathering with any of the Regional Representatives to Arrangements Committee and other JYF’s that may be attending.  They also receive instructions from the Committee.    

Financial Arrangements 

The Yearly Meeting is responsible for the expenses for the Clerks of Junior Young Friends to attend the winter Arrangements Committee meeting and the annual gathering.  Junior Young Friends have a budgetary allowance supplied by annual gathering fees for program expenses.  The Clerk should consult with the Coordinator as needed regarding the current budgetary situation and spending procedures.