Accessibility at Ghost Ranch

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Last Updated on 2 years by IMYM Tech Lead

Children and adults of differing abilities and disabilities are welcome at Ghost Ranch.  Barriers are being continuously identified, and Ghost Ranch is much more accessible than in the past.  Wheelchair-accessible bedrooms and bathrooms, special diets (except gluten-free), and hearing equipment, as well as other facilities, are available.  While private automobiles may be used for non-walkers, requestable Golf Carts and drivers are preferred to transport people around.

Intermountain Yearly Meeting is committed to a gathering that is accessible and affordable for all who wish to come. The completely ADA accessible housing with a private bath is among the most expensive at Ghost Ranch. There are various options to reduce that cost. Please indicate what you require and the registrars will locate you appropriately. Do you need grab bars and shower chair? Raised toilet? Entry and living space without stairs? Space for a wheelchair or walker? Do you need to be located where golf cart transportation is easily provided? Do you need a private bath (or semi-private bath) because you need assistance with bathing or for medical reasons such as colostomy care? Other needs?

If for medical reasons, you require a private or semi-private bath as well as no stairs and room for a wheelchair or other device but find the regular private bath rate prohibitive, please note your need and the registrar will assign you an ADA accessible room at the Corral Block daily rate. If you can use a regular room but have devices that require electricity (CPAP or oxygen, for example) please bring an extension cord because outlets may not be convenient. If you are not familiar with the options at the Ranch, please contact the registrars to discuss your situation. If you require financial aid to attend, see the procedure noted elsewhere in the packet to apply.

Indicate your disability information on the Registration Form or describe your particular requirements in a note accompanying your registration.