Mid-Week Online Worship for the IMYM Community

The Worship and Ministry Committee of Albuquerque Monthly Meeting invites you to attend our twice-a-month online Meetings for Worship, held on the first and third Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:20 pm. Be sure to use the correct Zoom link as they are different from one another.

1st Wednesday link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89750287720?pwd=eE9tREVBM1ZJSXVXKzU5WTMrNXUrZz09

3rd Wednesday link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85195820625?pwd=WDQxYW90V20zTXREZnYzSlpuVWlyZz09

We are inviting members and attenders from meetings within IMYM to join us, for the dual purposes of spiritual deepening and to foster fellowship beyond just the annual gathering. Please feel free to forward this email to Friends who might be interested in attending.

The format of this meeting is as follows: unprogrammed worship for one hour (7:00-8:00 pm) and then introductions, sharing of joys and sorrows, brief announcements, and time for fellowship. We request that you enter the meeting in silence. The first person to open the link will begin expectant worship. Participants will automatically be muted as they join. Please unmute only to give vocal ministry and then re-mute during the first hour.

Should you need help during the meeting, use Chat to send a direct message to the Host, who can be found under the Participant tab. Please avoid use of the chat for any other purpose during the worship hour, as many find it distracting.

Contact Henry Selters (505-985-4981) or Lynn Huxtable (505-688-2583) with any questions. We hope to see you there!

QuakerSpeak: The Lasting Trauma of Quaker Indigenous Boarding Schools

“Most Quakers still don’t know our history as participants in this enterprise of forced assimilation of Native people,” Paula Palmer says. “So the first thing that we have to do is learn the truth.”

In this video, Paula discusses Friends’ role in the traumas inflicted on the indigenous peoples of North America since the arrival of European colonists—particularly in the administration of boarding schools where Native children were forced to abandon their heritage and embrace the ways of White Christian culture, where they would never be truly accepted as equals.

Although it’s easy to “shake our fingers” at previous generations, Paula warns us that retroactive judgment isn’t enough—Quakers today need to hold themselves accountable as well. “As we think about work that we do today as Friends,” she says, “we need to examine our own attitudes and make sure that ways that we are trying to do good in the world are not also coming out of a sense of superiority.”

IMYM Fall Newsletter 2023

Hello Friends – this newsletter is 24 pages. The best way to view it is:

  • Hover your mouse on the Newsletter graphic (below).
  • To advance FORWARD to the next page, click anywhere on the right hand side of the Newsletter
  • To return to a PREVIOUS page, click anywhere on the left hand side of the Newsletter


Click HERE to download a PDF version of the newsletter

IMYM Fall Newsletter 2023 by IMYM

IMYM Summer Newsletter 2023

Hello Friends – this newsletter is 7 pages. The best way to view it is:

  • Hover your mouse anywhere on the Newsletter graphic.
  • A tool bar will appear on the bottom of the graphic
  • Select the “Enter Full Screen” icon on the lower right hand corner, represented by two arrows pointing away from each other
  • This will bring you into full screen mode
  • To advance FORWARD to the next page, click anywhere on the right hand side of the Newsletter
  • To return to a PREVIOUS page, click anywhere on the left hand side of the Newsletter


Click HERE to download a PDF version of the newsletter

IMYM Summer Newsletter 2023 by IMYM