Last Updated on 2 years by IMYM Tech Lead
The IMYM Program Working Group seeks interest group proposals for the upcoming 2023 Intermountain Yearly Meeting – Annual Gathering, Wednesday June 21-Sunday 25, 2023, hybrid (online and in-person) at Fort Lewis College in Durango, CO.
Note that for 2023 there will be no Early Days.
We are excited to welcome plenary speaker Jon Watts as he helps us explore this year’s theme of: “Becoming the Quakers the World Needs Today.”
Jon Watts is a Quaker singer-songwriter and video creator. In 2014 Jon founded the YouTube channel QuakerSpeak, a production of Friends Journal. Over the following 6 years, he produced 220 videos and brought 3.5 million new eyes to the Religious Society of Friends. Jon travels extensively, and some consider his singer-songwriter performances to be a “public ministry.” Jon defines ministry as “sharing or acting upon one’s gifts, whether in service to individuals, to the meeting, or to the larger community.” His latest project Thee Quaker seeks to further explore and innovate how we as Quakers communicate and share our faith and experience in today’s world.
Visit Jon’s website at:
We are also excited for YOU to share your “public ministry” at the Annual Gathering in the form of interest groups, participatory activities, or short videos for discussion! In recent years, we scheduled 12-14 interest groups, 60-90 minutes each. Historically IMYM Annual Gathering topics have included:
End of Life
Story Telling
Restorative Justice
Participatory Crafts
Couples Enrichment
Quakers in Palestine
Experiment with Light
Dance and Movement
Empire and Resistance
The Power of “Enough”
Nuclear Weapons Policy
Quakers and Social Media
Exploring Quaker Mysticism
Quaker Songbook Singalong
How CoVID can Bring Change
New Mexico Local Food Project
Migration and Immigration Policy
Friends Addressing Climate Change
Acknowledging Native Peoples’ History and Presence
Film and Talk Back (Migration, Monteverde, Race and Identity)
If you would like to submit an Interest Group proposal, please fill out the Interest Group Proposal Form by clicking this link:
We have a limited number of time slots available and as such may not be able to accept all submissions. Multi-day workshops cannot be accommodated this year.
Please contact if you need assistance or have questions.
Interest group proposals will be accepted until Monday, February 20th, 2023.
The Program Working Group looks forward to your submissions!
You will say, Christ saith this, and the apostles say this;but what canst thou say? – George Fox