Call to Intermountain Yearly Meeting’s 2022 Gathering

Last Updated on 2 years by IMYM Tech Lead

Celebrating the Divine in All of Us
June 13-19, 2022
(Early Days June 13 to 15; regular sessions June 15-19)
Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado
Including some virtual options

Dear Friends


Once again, we find ourselves in pandemic limbo, with a two-track planning process for our annual gathering in June. We have every hope that COVID will allow us to gather in person, and are seeking ways that Friends will be able to safely and confidently gather together. Meeting in person will be complemented by equitable and reasonable access to meaningful programming on a virtual platform.

We look forward to creating an inclusive Spirit-led time for all Friends and others who join us, whether in person or virtually. Many of us have a deep yearning and need to see each other “live”, to hug each other (COVID permitting), and to renew our emotional and spiritual connections with each other. Others find that the safety and convenience of the virtual platform can serve the same functions (even if the hugs are only cyber-hugs).

Our planning this year seeks to center our youth and their ideas and desires. We will do all that we can to make our time together work for all Friends, young and old. Many Friends, both young and old, have expressed a need for face-to-face time, to build and strengthen our community and relationships.

Regardless of whether we attend in person or purely online, we will schedule fewer events at the same time, with less overlap between interest sessions and other activities. This allows for more socializing and re-connecting in spontaneous unstructured ways.

Keynote Speaker and Theme

Our keynote speaker this year will be Ernest House, Jr. — a senior policy director at The Keystone Center, a 2018 Gates Harvard Kennedy School Fellow, and an enrolled member of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe.

Our theme, Celebrating the Divine in All of Us, was suggested by the Children’s Yearly Meeting coordinators. They feel that this will easily lend itself to children’s programming and understanding. In addition to our usual keynote address and Q&A session, we will ask our speaker to meet with Senior Young Friends (SYFs), Junior Young Friends (JYFs), and possibly our Children’s Yearly Meeting (CYM).

Registration Info

We expect registration to open in March and to close earlier and more firmly than it has in the past. Fort Lewis College has a fixed deadline for our headcount. Please watch the IMYM website for registration info.

Meeting location/activities

We hope you will join us to experience worship, fellowship, and deep learning, and that you will participate in business meetings to help with discernment on a variety of issues. Whether virtual or in-person, we expect to welcome Friends of all ages from Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, West Texas, Wyoming and nearby states, Mexico City and more distant locations.

The Durango area has a rich and vital Native American community, as well as a number of sites and activities in the Durango area that could be of interest. There is also a variety of recreational activities. In addition, we intend to have several “drop-in rooms”, for conversation and/or support.

COVID-19 concerns

We have not yet determined what requests we may make of Friends. At this time, it seems that awareness of how each of us can protect ourselves and each other will be key. It is our intention to have a process that includes all Friends who wish to join us, while making sure that all Friends feel safe, and are able to remain in community, in confidence and joy. This year calls for special discernment on issues of safety and inclusion in our beloved community.

Possible pandemic pivoting

We acknowledge and recognize the possibility that we may have to pivot to fully virtual sessions. We also acknowledge that an inability to gather in person for a third year would weigh heavily on all our hearts, particularly the hearts of our younger Friends, for whom the in-person experience is particularly important. We deeply hope that we will be able to gather together in fellowship for close interactions, including “live” hugs, in safety, joy and confidence.

Future news

Arrangements Committee met virtually in January, and continues to work on a specific schedule and other details for our Gathering. We anticipate a rich program of activities, fellowship, learning, spiritual growth, and IMYM (and Quaker) business. A schedule of sessions and activities will appear in the registration materials, which will be posted to our website at in the near future.

We look forward to fellowship with Friends this summer, and to deepening our spiritual connections with each other and with the Divine.


Gale Toko-Ross and Valerie Ireland

Presiding Co-Clerks, IMYM or