Last Updated on 1 year by IMYM Tech Lead
Friends, let’s give a warm welcome to the 2023 IMYM Annual Gathering Plenary Speaker: Jon Watts of QuakerSpeak and TheeQuaker Project. Jon, a Quaker songwriter and video creator, has produced over 220 videos and brought 3.5 million plus eyes to the Religious Society of Friends. We asked Jon to join us in our quest of Becoming the Quakers the World Needs Today and his keynote, interest group, and Young Friend sessions will help us rise to the occasion. Intro text block
Jon Watts is a member of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, which holds his ministry under its care. He is a Quaker media creator and spiritual entrepreneur. As a songwriter, Jon toured the world sharing stories of the Early Friends and his own spiritual journey growing up in a Quaker intentional community and attending the Quaker Leadership Scholars Program at Guilford College.Trailing text block.